Tips In Mind to Buy A Waste Tire Pyrolysis Plant

The pyrolysis process refers to the chemical reaction that happens in the absence of oxygen. In this process, the material is heated in an oxygen free environment which causes it to melt but not burn. This process causes breakage of the long polymer chains into products with shorter molecular chains. The pyrolysis process of waste tyre pyrolysis plant is widely used all around the world to profitably convert waste materials such as waste tires, waste biomass, waste oil sludge and other types to products in high demand in certain industries.

Waste Tyre Pyrolysis Plant

Waste Tyre Pyrolysis Plant

Waste Tire Pyrolysis Plant

Millions of waste tires are thrown into landfills each year. In fact, USA alone produces more than 250 million waste tires every year and other countries are not far behind. Waste tires are big concern in every major city as these fill up the landfills. Waste hours in a landfill are a big fire hazard and many such incidents have been reported from all around the world.

Also, waste tires start leaching chemicals after some time that have high probability of polluting groundwater. Thankfully, pyrolysis process is a profitable technique to convert these waste tires into fuel oil, carbon black, pyrolysis gas and steel wire. The composition of these products can be manipulated by employing different temperatures and rate of heating in the pyrolysis process.

The pyrolysis plant of Beston Machinery is relatively simple in structure. It mainly consists of a pyrolysis reaction chamber that needs to be strong enough to hold the materials safely in the chamber until the pyrolysis process takes place. However, what makes this piece of machinery complicated is that the process also generates a number of gases that need to be cleaned or rerouted to capture the waste heat generated during the pyrolysis process. Also, the plant needs to be efficient enough to allow different types of pyrolysis process in order to change the composition of end products obtained from the process.

The efficiency of pyrolysis process depends a lot on the size of raw material fed into the reaction chamber. Therefore, experts recommend cutting down waste tires into bite -sized pieces to obtain maximum efficiency. If you are setting up a pyrolysis plant to convert waste tires into fuel oil, you will also need to invest in equipment to cut down waste tires into smaller pieces before these pieces are fed into the pyrolysis chamber. If you are not interested in setting up your own equipment to break down waste tires, you can always utilize the services of other vendors providing such services.

As far as buying a waste tire pyrolysis plant is concerned, you need to pay special attention to a couple of things. The most important thing is the reputation of the company. There are hundreds of companies selling many different models of pyrolysis plants at different price points. However, not all the models available for sale at the same. There are some subtle differences that can make a huge difference in terms of profitability. Therefore, you need to check the reputation of the company to ensure they are a reputed brand and have sold these plants all around the world. Analysis the tyre to oil plant cost before buying.


Tyre Pyrolysis Plant For Delivery

After sales service provided by the company is another important factor many people tend to overlook when buying a pyrolysis plant. While there are not that many moving components in a pyrolysis plant but you will need spare parts here and there to keep your plant running at optimum efficiency. So, make sure the company offers excellent after sales support.

Overall, a waste tire pyrolysis plant converts waste tires as well as various other waste materials into fuel oil, carbon black and other products in good demand. You should keep the above tips in mind to get the best value for your money when buying a pyrolysis plant. Seek out more information on the oil sludge pyrolysis plant.